Leave us now.
We've got things to do.
I've got things to do, too!
You're so uptight.
Captain, look!
That's what we need right now.
You guys wanna ride that?
Let's hide out on that island
and leave at dawn.
What's the point?
Let's ride all the way back
to the Republic now!
I'll do anything for the Republic!
I paid for it, and they're having
all the fun.
You think she'll be okay?
Don't worry.
We'll pay for this thing
when the nation is unified.
What's that?
You almost killed us!
Time's up.
What are you doing out here,
going to North Korea?
Girls, I've got stuff for dinner.
Where the hell did they go?
10 new voice mails
The first message.
We're gonna be out late.