This chocolate soufflé
is delicious, Zip.
You've really outdone yourself.
- I wanted the perfect end
to the perfect evening.
- Mm.
I've never been more ready
to go to bed.
Oh, Zip, I'm so glad
that you feel that way.
- You know that I feel the same way?
- Well, then, let's get to bed.
- [ Inhales Deeply ]
- I'll call you a taxi.
- Taxi?
- [ Dial Tone ]
Oh, when I said bed,
you thought I meant bed.
Oh, Barbara, I'm so sorry.
This is only the first time you've ever
been to my home, and where I come from--
It's all right, Zip.
It's all right.
Um, it's better this way.
Let's, um--
Let's just say good night...
and good-bye.
- Good-bye? You mean for good?
- I'm afraid so, Zip.
You see,
I'm beginning to feel--
Well, I'm beginning to feel.
Well, couldn't you give me
just one more chance?
Oh, I'd like to, Zip,
really, I would...
but just the fact that I'd like to
give you another chance...
is the very reason
why I absolutely must not.