- Barbara Novak?
- Oh, I think so.
- Oh, thank goodness you're here.
- Vikki?
Vikki Hiller, your editor, in the flesh.
It is so nice to finally
meet you in person.
My goodness, you're gorgeous.
We'll have a photo shoot for
the book jacket. There's time.
The book doesn't come out for a week.
One week. Oh, my.
Don't be nervous. Cigarette?
Barbara, this is my secretary, Gladys.
Gladys, Barbara Novak.
Oh, I know. It's a pleasure.
Hello, Gladys. I'm glad to finally
have a face to put with the voice.
Vik, I need you to sign off
on this pronto.
Maurice Johns, art director.
Barbara Novak, your cover.
Oh, Maurice. I love it!
"Down With Love". Hear, hear.
I wish someone had
written your book...
...10 years ago before
it was too late for me.
Gladys, it's never too late.
Great job. Sorry if the guys in
reproduction have been riding your tail.