
I know what you're thinking.
Anyone who drinks at 1 1 a.m. needs
to take the cure, but I only do it here.

In the real world, I never
drink till after 5:00...

...and if it ever does,
I'm on the wagon for life.

Glad to hear it.
What's the matter with you?
About six months ago,
the day Jonesy got hit...

...l did something terrible with a patient.
Humiliated him. Drove him out of the office.

Barry Neiman.
Couple days ago, I saw his picture
in the paper. He ate himself to death.

Mind if I don't use that story
next time I'm trying to sell a Mustang?

Henry, you were a lead balloon long before
this porker munched his way to eternity.

Thanks. You're a real comfort.
You got a real delicate touch to you.

Here you go, Rick, buddy.
That will fix you up.

Jesus Christ bananas!
Some fuckarow this is turning into!

-Thanks a lot, Pete.
-Yeah, I think I got it all.

What happened to you?
Hi. Joe Clarendon.
Call me Beaver.

Rick here had a bad night
in the woods.

-Is that frostbite?
-No, I get the same thing from peanuts.

It's allergy.
Grilled cheese, anyone?
-No, the soup's fine for me, thanks.
-I'll bite. Sail it over here.

My mother used to feed me
pea soup when I was feeling--

Bitch in a buzz saw!
I've heard some mighty burps in my time,
but that's the blue ribbon.
