So what's the apple for?
This is too distracting.
One of you has to go.
I'm sorry it's you.
take your seeds
and grow into a beautiful pie.
31, 32, 33...
Hey, whoa!
- Sorry about that, mate.
- Nice car, Frenchie.
Hey, cute puppy.
Whoa, whoa!
Bad dog! Don't get me,
don't get me!
Bad doggie! Bad doggie!
Whoa, whoa!
No, no, no!
Somebody chipped my tooth.
How do you think I feel?
Someone bit me
in the forehead.
Oh, no!
You could've saved that
for the tooth fairy.
That's stupid. I happen to know
my mom is the tooth fairy.
- Your mom is the tooth fairy?
- Yeah.
Wow, that is so cool.
She must do all the flying
around when I'm asleep.
Yeah, yeah.
- Harry Dunne.
- Harry Dunne?
Why does that not
sound familiar?
- Probably because we've never met?
- No, that's not it.
Anyway, yeah,
Lloyd Christmas.
Here I am bragging
my mom's the tooth fairy
- And you're Santa's kid?!
- No, no.