What about Lewis,
the half horse boy?
- He really had me fooled.
- Here we go.
Hey, thanks
for the grub, Mrs. D.
- You're welcome, Lloyd.
- Hey, where's Mr. D?
Oh, he passed away
a few years ago.
He missed
one great pot of stew.
Actually, it's meatloaf, but you just
put everything in your soup.
I like it a lot.
Harry, I am so proud of you
making a real friend.
Is it okay
if he spends the night?
- Lloyd, have you asked your parents?
- I left my dad a note.
"Pop, I'm sleeping
at Harry's tonight.
Love, Lloyd.
P.S., you're out of ketchup."
Good kid,
but you could've just called.
Got any crazy eights?
Go fish.
Ha! Now you have to move
your peg seven spaces
and put your shirt
on backwards.
Wow, you really suck
at this game.
Yeah, well, I almost always
beat Captain Rob.
- Who's Captain Rob?
- Just a guy I hang out with.
I know the type. Lives in the basement,
smells like a sponge.
No, Captain Rob's seven feet tall,
wears an eye-patch,
- Got a hook for a hand.
- Wow, sounds like a pirate.
What? No. He's got a parrot on his
shoulder, buries treasure.
- Yeah, that's a pirate.
- I don't think so.
This guy drinks rum from a barrel,
says, "Yo, ho, ho," has a peg leg.
- A peg leg?
- Yeah, go-cart accident.
Here... we... go!
Be careful, Captain Rob.
- Ooh.
- Three, two, one.
Aah, you landed on Candy Land.
Now you have to swallow it.
That's good top hat.
Hey, fellas,
it's getting kind of late.
Come on.
- Can I be on top?
- Only if I can be on bottom.
- All right!
- Yeah!
Airplane into the hangar.
Zzz... ow!
All right, pumpkin,
night night.