- Harry.
- Harry. Come with me, Harry.
- What's up, Pop?
- We need to talk.
So you must be in the air force.
I like your flight suit.
- I'm a custodian.
- Well, then...
aye aye, sir!
Okay, what are you crazy boys
doing in my tool shed?
We're not crazy, Dad,
we're special.
And Principal Collins wants us
to have our own special classroom.
My boy's special,
how 'bout that?!
I knew you
were different! Ohhh!
I'm taking the day off.
Come on, come on.
All right, guys,
now that teacher lady's gone,
um... I have a question.
Do you guys know why
our class is in the tool shed?
Who cares, Lewis?
It's better than real school.
If we don't mess this up,
we can go a whole year without
doing any real work at all.
Yeah, man, we can do
anything we want.
So if I had a girlfriend like Terri,
I could bring her here and...
do stuff with her?
You got it, jerk-off.
Then I'm in.
But I came here to learn
about America.
Listen, baby,
there is nothing more American
than not doing anything
and getting away with it.
Then I'm in.
- Just like jerk-off.
- Lewis.
- He's snapping out of it.
- We need him.
I know.
Come on, kid!
- Come on, come on!
- Go get some!
Oh, wow.
Who is Benjamin Franklin again?
He's the pilgrim who used
penicillin to kill Godzilla.
How'd you get so smart?
Public school.
When you live in the basement,
you breathe in a lot of chalk dust.
It writes all the answers
all over your brain.
- You're so lucky.
- Ooh, now...
- How 'bout a Slushee?
- A. Slushee.