Won't be long now.
This is gonna be great.
I can picture it now.
Lloyd, Lloyd
Super cool Lloyd...
Oh, ladies, and that's why
God created women with two breasts
instead of three.
Although you're cute, too.
Yes, you are.
You should see her asses.
Lloyd, I finished
all your homework.
Oh, thanks, Jessica.
Get lost, sister,
he's mine.
In your dreams.
I saw him first!
Oh! You just want him
for his hot rack!
You just want him because he's a genius,
like Albert Frankenstein.
Girls, girls,
girls, girls!
All right, there's only
one way to solve this.
Make out contest.
How was that, Lloyd?
Lloyd, what are you doing?
That's Jessica.
- And my mom?
- Hi, sweetie.
- Hey, Mom.
- Harry, this is my fantasy,
and I suggest you leave right now,
before I imagine something horrible.
- But, l...
- Harry!
Your fantasies are
so much cooler than mine.
Hey, thanks for the jet pack!
- Oopsie-daisy.
- Lloyd, did you just fart?
Well, something stinks.
Maybe it's this...
mix tape I made you.
Or maybe these flowers.