Ja!! -Lahko pripeljem punco?
-Kogar eli moj majhen prijatelj.
Here we go
It's a new day,
but it all feels old
- It's a good life
that's what I'm told
But everyday,
it all just feels the same
At my high school,
it felt more to me
Like a jail cell,
a penitentiary...
Harry Dunb"posebne potrebe".
Z nama je, zaslui si.
Upam, da mi bo koristilo.
I don't want to do
the things you do
I'm never gonna hear
the words you say
And I don't ever wanna,
I don't ever wanna
Be you
Don't wanna
be just like you...
Gremo, gremo, gremo!
This is the anthem,
throw all your hands up
Konèal je. Dajte ga na
listo za nesposobne.
Zdaj si eden od nas!
Mi rabimo posebno geslo?
Harry, kaj dela. Ona je izmenjava
tudentov in sigurno ne zna Angleko.
Don't want to be just like you
What I'm saying is
this is the anthem
- Throw all your hands up
- Ching chongen ay.
Y'all got to feel me,
sing if you're with me...
Hej! pol deèek, pol konj.
-Super. To rabimo!
On je super specialen.
-Saj nimam bolj pametnega dela.