Wonderful writer.
He died drunk and penniless.
Well , Alex's first novel
was published in hardback,
and he's about
to finish his second one.
Oh , what's it about?
Well , l like to call it
an urban epic.
lt's about three generations
of this family
that own a printing press,
and l tell a story.
That's nice.
Let me give you a refill .
Big Dick had the taste, too.
He was a seaman .
The drink took him
from me in 1 963.
We'd been married for 58 years.
So, when are you two
planning on having children?
Soon .
Yeah , not for a couple of years.
You sound just like
Mr. Connelly.
We never had any children .
lt's too late for me now.
Oh , look at the time.
l had no idea it was so late.
Oh .
The time's rolled on .
We haven't had a chance
to see the apartment.
Oh , dear, l'm afraid
there's no time now.
We must say good night.
Oh , okay.
Oh .
Uh-oh .
Oh , no. That was your. . .
l think it's your couch .
-l think the chair. . .
That was a little. . .
Come along , dears.
Come along .
How could you?
''A macaw. Any long-tailed ,
brightly colored parrot.''
A macaw is a parrot.
l knew it.
Don't you think that
as landlords,
we have some legal right
to see the back of her apartment
if we want to?
l mean , l'll look it up
on the lnternet.
That's what l'll do.
l wonder how old she is.
Oh , my guess is that she's
somewhere between 95 and 1 05.