
Oh , l fell asleep.
l'm sorry.

-That's okay.
-l'll do that.

Thank you .

No, Starvin' Marvin ,
that's my potpie.

Cartman , you butt-pipe.
This is the time of year
to share.

Oh , yeah , you're right.
Are you going to eat
your peach cobbler?

No, you don't want all that.
Why don't you share it with me?

asking me about fiber.

ln the next few minutes,
you're going to learn about
an amazing . . .


lf l want a slimmer waist.
Use it on carpets. OxiClean
seeks out organic stains.

There's no more bald jokes.

l gotta go. Have a good day.
See you later.

And finish that chapter!
l will .

-Good morning , Alex.
-Good morning , Mrs. Connelly.

l wanted to give you this back.
l won't drink it,
and l thought you might want it.

Oh , thank you .
That's nice of you .

All right, if there's anything
l can do for you , let me know.


There is one thing .
Yeah , l'm sorry,
l don't hear anything .

lt was very distinctive.
The pipes went
bang-bang-bangity-bang-bang .

Bang ! Bang !
Well , they're not
doing that anymore,
