
or it stopped ,
so, l'll tell you what, though .

lf you hear it again ,
come get me. l'll take a listen .

Oh , all right then .
lt's a deal .

Ooh , Alan , dear boy, l wonder. . .

My name's Alex.

l know.
No, l think you said ''Alan .''
Oh , no, l don't think so.
l don't forget names.
Could you give me a hand
with the garbage?

We don't want to be
feeding the mice.

What in heaven's name
are you doing with me drawers?

Now, l would move
the pull quote just a teeny bit

so that you'll have room
to squeeze in the text.

You're such
a good squeezer, Nancy.

That's because, until yesterday,
l lived in an apartment
the size of a small child .

But look at the new place.
Oh , my God !
-lsn't it gorgeous?

There's, like,
this living room/parlor area.

Nancy, did you finish
the ''Celebrity Scene'' page?

Oh , tickety-boo.
l don't know what that means.
lt means you'll have it soon .
Well , if you mean
l'll have it soon ,

why don't you say
l'll have it soon?

is just confusing for everybody.

Oh , Mr. Peabody.
How did that get in there?

Ohh .

Hi !
Hi .
How was work?

Oh , Herman's freaking out,
as usual .

Were you napping?
No, l was just rearranging
my book collection .
