ln the dark?
And then l closed my eyes
for a second .
Just to think, and , you know.
ls this dinner?
Mm-hmm .
So, how was your nook?
Did you get, like, five
or six million pages written?
More like five or six words.
Our upstairs neighbor had me
doing chores for her all day.
Yeah .
Well , you just gotta set
some boundaries.
Just tell her you're working .
She'll understand .
What is that?
Oh , l picked up a few things
on the way home.
lt's an area rug .
-Do you love it?
-Yes. How much was it?
lt doesn't seem
to cover much of an area.
lt was $200
or something like that.
l don't really remember.
That was 200 bucks?
Yeah , but, you know,
it's a runner,
'cause it goes in between
the two rooms
and then ties them together.
Ooh , and look!
Look, look, look, look, look!
lt's an original Pablo Flinch .
Really? Cool .
ls it, like, a Mayan
guacamole bowl or something?
lt's a stool .
Try it.
What are we, hobbits?
lt's a water stain !
l told Mr. Rose the problem
with the pipes this morning .
They were going
bang-bang-bangity-bang-bang .
Bang . Bang .
Yeah , the whole bathroom
could have explode.
471 bucks.
What time?
-You were here three hours?
-Yeah .
Sweetie, these were
original tiles.
How could you not hear banging?
Sweetie, l was asleep!
Napping , and in the middle
of the afternoon .
Shameful .
l'm not gonna pay
for unauthorized repairs.
l did the work, my friend .
l can rip the pipes
out of the wall .
l don't know what you're saying .