l love our home.
Aah !
-What was she doing?
-Oh , my God .
l don't know. You think
she saw the whole thing?
Hey, where are you going?
Oh , now's my chance.
l got to get up there.
What are you gonna do?
The answer to our problems.
-Clap Me.
-What does it do?
When she falls asleep,
we can control her TV.
You be the lookout.
lf you hear her coming ,
knock on the pipe, okay?
Like, make a noise.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Shut up.
Shut up.
Well , hello, Little Dickey.
l'm back again , aren't l?
Guess what l've got in the bag .
l got hot dogs.
Hot dogs for Dickey boy.
l'll tell you
what l'm going to do.
l'm going to give it
a wee chew meself first.
Mm . Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm .
Mm . lt's so nice, Dickey.
lt is.
lt's so good .
Mm .
l tell you what.
Shall we have a bit of music?
A bit of music
and a bit of a dance.
l'll put on your favorite,
the tune you like the most.
The one that was
Big Dick's favorite, too.