
There are 3 fireplaces.
So, here it is.
The third fireplace.

This apartment is amazing .

l'm so glad that you like it.
Whew. Relief.

Wonderful collection .
-Mmm , thank you .
-Yeah .

Just make sure you save space
for the Alex Rose
first editions.

Ah , yes.
So, yeah .
How's the ending turning out?
The ending is gonna be great.
l'm kind of circling it
'cause l don't want to force it.

Just make sure you
turn it in by Wednesday.

Management's being very strict
with all our mid-level authors.

l'm only mid-level?
Right now.
Of course, you won't be after
you hand in your masterpiece.

We're replacing most
of the furniture we have,

but we're going
for a Miller/Eames look.

You love Eames, Terrence.
l just got a new piece.

Did you bring that guy with
the girl in the leopard thing?

Oh , that's Chick.
That's the guy who's advising me
on the Don Piper mysteries.

What, is he a detective
or something?

He's a hired gun .
He kills people for a living .
You brought a hit man
into the party?

He's very discreet.

He's got a perfectly legitimate
day job as a cover.

And what do you do, Chick?
l'm a pornographer.
Here, let me give you a card ,
you know, just in case.

She's this funny old lrish lady
named Mrs. Connelly,

and she's actually in a brass
ensemble at the church tonight.

There's all sorts
of incredible details.

l mean , l can't wait
for you guys to see it.

lt's beautiful .
Ooh , Herman , get in here.

