l'm lrish .
l'd sizzle up like a sausage.
Besides, this is my home.
The Emerald lsle, hmm?
Back to the old sod .
Well , now, there's a thought.
l haven't been back home
for 50 years.
Ooh .
A caramel .
So, about lreland .
And you moving there.
Most likely
they have television now?
Oh .
Of course they do.
Yeah , color.
l've made up me mind .
l'll do. . .
Mrs. Connelly!
-She's choking !
-Oh , God !
-Mrs. Connelly.
-Do something !
Oh , God !
Ooh , Alex! Alex!
Come on !
Come on !
-Yeah , good .
-Come on !
Come on !
Oh , my God !
Oh !
Alex, what are you doing?
Wait! Stop it!
Stop it!
Oh , God .
One, two, three, four, five.
Okay, give her mouth-to-mouth .
-Oh , no. Really?
-Yes. Yes, do it!
No, you got to blow
in her mouth . Come on .