lf you ask me, you two have got
some sort of bug .
Thank God Officer Dan took me
to have a flu shot last week.
Upchuck is a delicacy
for Little Dick.
He's salivating .
He's salivating .
How much can we get, Kenneth?
That depends on how far you're
willing to drop the price.
First of all , you way overpaid .
And then you got that tenant.
You said
she was a sweet old lady.
Oh , l can't imagine those words
coming out of my mouth .
So you're saying that we're
stuck in this hellhole?
Yeah . Unless you're willing
to take a huge, huge loss.
How huge?
Huge, huge.
We're just totally
screwed , right?
Yeah . l would say
screwed is apt.
Do you think that Jean would
ever give you a second chance?
No, it's over.
Besides, how could l have time
to rewrite my novel
and still do my faithful
servant duty to her
as her little
indentured servant person ,
her little butt boy?
l mean , l got a lot of duties.
'Cause she might need me
to count grapes with her
or help her fix her heater
or go take her to the laundry.
Or l gotta go help her
clean her banana skins
and l gotta go help her
clean out her garbage
or go and wipe her ass!
God forbid she should have
any shit hanging off her ass!
-No. Really.
'Cause then l gotta run
like a little bunny
and l have to go up there and
l gotta go wipe her little ass.
And then l have to go, ''Oh ,
good for you , Mrs. Connelly,
for having such a nice,
little poopy.
You got some poopy
on your diapie?
Ooh , let me go and clean it off
with my tongue!''
Excuse me, sir.
l mean , enough is enough !
Excuse me.
Off we go, Dickey boy.
Okay, come on .
We don't have that much time.
l know.
She's running errands.
That only gives us 1 2 hours.
You , there.
Me, there.