lt would be so, so nice
if l could see her for Christmas.
lt 's not a problem. l'm looking
forward to seeing Sally again.
Thank you.
You know, she loves you.
You're the only professor
who didn't fail her.
.Santa left you a gift.
.He did?
.Open it.
lt 's for Vegas.
.Good luck.
.l appreciate it, but...
it 's not a holiday, it 's a
conference, and l don't gamble.
Well, you should gamble, 'cause
now you're going to have good luck.
First, you score at the table,
and then you score some skirt.
''Her buttocks is strong,
breast is round and high...
she was hair.faired,
and l won't lie.''
l can't wait till you to come home
and tell me some whore stories!
.Good evening, sir.
.Thank you.
l'm with the Milton conference, and
l think it 's in the Dug Out Room.
Dug Out Room,
right through those doors.
Thank you.
To the last Milton conference.
The new name didn't help.