Easy Six

The administrators
are like store managers...

the professors are the clerks...
and the students
are the almighty customers.

Why do you let everyone
push you around?

Everyone. The students, faculty...
Especially the students.

Like l said,
the students are the customers...

and the customers are always right.
Do you know
when l gave my last ''fail''?

lt was before your time, nearly 7
years ago, a girl called Nora Vallum.

Well, Nora Vallum
hardly ever came to class...

she never did homework,
did a miserable exam...

and she was argumentative
in my conference with her.

l had no hesitation in failing her.
Now, she complained
to Janet Vanderpour...

that the reason she didn't come
to class was to protest the fact...

that l only taught
one woman writer...

in my Renaissance fiction seminar,
that l was sexist.

Well, the dean instructed me
to give her a B plus...

and to reconsider my curriculum.
So, what did you do?
At first,
l thought about quitting...

and then l thought about fighting.
And then l compromised.
l gave Nora her grade...
but l went on teaching what l wanted
to teach, but as a concession...

l only ever give students
A's and B's since then.

That way everyone is satisfied.
l look good,
as if l'm doing a great job...

students get the grades they want,
but are never prepared to work for.

And the administration is happy.
Are you happy?
Yes, of course.
l mean, what choice do l have?
