Pack, be the voice of reason.
Speak to this young man.
You've been really strange, Pack.
What 's gotten into you?
Tell me about the girl.
Forget it.
Come on...
Come on, tell me.
You know l'm going to get it
out of you, Pack.
You had somebody
in your room, didn't you?
.Admit it.
.Okay, you win. Listen...
There was a streetwalker.
l gave her a hundred dollars.
She was thrilled, l was thrilled.
That 's it, that 's all.
You finally came down of your perch
and had sex with somebody.
Oh, man!
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry.
One of those peep show beauties
is gonna think about you and go...
l didn't want
to talk about it, Frank.
What happened?
Something went wrong?