l don't know. Teaching's not
worse than any other job.
Yes, but it 's no better.
Well, quit if you
don't like it, l mean...
change your life.
That 's it exactly.
l thought l could move to Vegas...
and maybe get a job in a casino.
And you and l...
That 's just not realistic, Pack.
l know, but l'm sick
of being realistic.
Before l met you, Sally, my life was
a triumph of realism over fantasy...
of maturity over passion.
My life has been ruined
by a cowering fear of change.
You're just getting
a little carried away, l think.
Yes, l am, and l like it.
l'm in love with you, Sally.
Well, there's just
one problem with that.
l'm not in love with you.
You're not?
Well, l can make you
fall in love with me.
lt doesn't work like that.