You could find other places to eat.
I'm sure there's better restaurants in town.
No, you're the best.
-Want more of these?
-No thanks.
All right, lock the door.
The radio has wholly taken over.
Many of the cinema's....
-What was that?
-I don't know.
All scripts must now be vetted.
The casting of actors must be approved.
From now on...
the German people will only know
what their Führer wants them to know.
Propaganda brought us into power.
That's a lot of flags.
-This was made in Germany, right?
Propaganda will enable us
to conquer the world.
In his early Munich days,
Hitler had taken an old Hindu symbol...
the hooked cross, the Swastika,
as the Nazi symbol.
Now he multiplies it a million times.
From the Romans, he steals the standards....
-Can you still buy Nazi flags?
-Sure, if you're a nut.
From Mussolini, he steals the Fascist salute.
Check it out.
Führer, command, we follow you.
The Führer is always right.
Who's that guy?
-That's Hitler, right?
...who fears the intellect
and hates all intellectuals.
So into the flames are flung the works
not only of German philosophers...
scientists, doctors, poets,
playwrights, novelists...
but those of all the world.
Students as well as storm troopers
obey the Führer's orders.