Hey, Ming Ming.
I'm gonna be a little bit short
on today's quota.
It's all right, buddy.
Just how many etch-a-sketches
Did you get finished?
Come on, buddy. How many?
I made, uh... 85.
That puts you...
915 off the pace.
Female elf: Ooh... that's bad.
Why don't you just say it?
I'm the worst toy maker in
the world.
I'm a cotton-headed ninny-muggins.
No, buddy, you're not cotton-
headed ninny-muggins.
We all just have different talents
That's all.
Seems like everyone else
Have the same talents
except for me.
You... you have, you have lots of
Talents, uh...
Special talents in fact, like
Um, uh...
Special talents?
You changed the batteries in the
smoke detector.
You sure did... aaa's.
And in six months, you'll have
to check'em again...
Won't he?
And you're the only baritone in
the elf choir.
You bring us down whole octave.
In a good way.
See, buddy?
You're not a cotton-headed ninny-
You're just... special.
And so, buddy was sent where the...
The special elves work.
Devilish laughter aah!
(Pop goes the weasel playing
Laughter ah!