To what do I owe the, uh,
Well, to be honest, I got a call
from my niece.
She wants to know
How a certain puppy and a
certain pigeon
Escape the clutches of a
certain evil witch.
Believe me, uh,
We¡¯re already looking for new
This one has obviously gotten a
little sloppy.
Maybe it isn¡¯t the printer who¡¯s
gotten sloppy.
That's your signature, right?
You know, we could sit here and
point fingers all day.
I've got news for you...
Even if those two pages were
in there,
The book still would have sucked.
Have you seen the numbers for
this quarter?
Uh, they'll be here today. Oh,
they're in.
That frigging puppy and pigeon
Are tanking hard, Hobbs.
My people estimate we¡¯re
gonna post
A minus eight for this quarter.
A minus eight! That does not
You know, we'll... we'll bounce
back, we...
No, no, no. No? Well...
We¡¯re gonna ship a new book
The first quarter.
First quarter?
I'm gonna be back in town on
the 24th.
At that time, I would love
to hear
In exact detail
What your plans are for this
new book.
Uh, wait a minute, the, uh
the 24th, that's Christmas
And, uh...
No problem. Be great to have
you in the loop.
School bell rings
Michael: All right, I got every
weapon in the game.
I got full health, I got full
I got full...
It's me buddy!
You know that guy?
No, I¡¯ve never seen him before.
It's me buddy! Your brother!
Oh, man.
No, Michael! Wait! It's your
brother bud...
Tires screech
Sorry. Sorry! Horn honks
Michael! Michael!
Michael, wait up!
Michael! Michael!