Mr. De Pablo is very impressed.
He likes you.
He wants to get together with you tonight.
That's great. Thank you.
Remember me?
- Why did you run?
- Because you're nuts.
Where is she?
- Let's go.
- Nick.
I've been looking for you.
- You're a violent man, Mr...
- Harper.
I'm Faith Harper's brother, Nick.
How is Faith?
I was hoping you would tell me.
I'm afraid I can't.
Or you won't.
You're a stranger here.
Be careful who you pick a fight with, Nick.
I go where the fight takes me.
You have a fight with me?
I don't know that yet.
We should go, Nick.
Timmons, watch your back.
Thank you, Mr. De Pablo.
I guess the suit doesn't make the man.
It might be the wrong suit.
It looks like we may have a problem.