- Harper.
- You sleeping still, man?
Yeah, Jeff, it's like 5:00 in the morning.
My bad! I keep forgetting
about that time difference.
- Any news on Faith?
- No, nothing yet.
I ran a background check
on your boy, Richard Timmons.
Yeah? What did you find out?
You were all over it.
This guy's a piece of work.
Excuse me, I need to talk to you.
Listen, you need to bring
that photographer Timmons in.
I had my partner in LA
run a background check on him.
The guy has been collared...
for everything from statutory rape,
solicitation, distribution...
In '99, when he moved here,
he violated his parole.
You mean this man?
- When did this happen?
- Last night.
I heard you had threatened his life
at the designer show.
Look, I had no reason to kill that man.
I needed him alive and talking.
But obviously somebody else
wanted to keep him quiet.
You need to find out who that was.
You don't need to tell me what to do.
Your interference is causing
a lot of problems.
Stop your attempts to locate your sister,
or I will have you locked up.
Listen to me, okay?
Timmons was with this rich guy
named Victor De Pablo.
They left together.
- De Pablo is the guy you need to question.
- That's enough.