are always in such a hurry.
- What's the matter?
- This isn't what I came here for.
What did you come here for?
I came to ask you to help me find Faith.
You're looking in the wrong direction
with Victor.
Well, all my leads,
they point in his direction.
What about Rafael?
What about Rafael?
He was jealous of Faith's relationship
with Victor.
So what's your deal?
You're definitely not from Spain.
I'm an American.
I came when I was 16 years old to model.
I met Victor,
and he showed me the good life.
What was your relationship with Faith?
Faith was a sweet girl we partied with.
Was Jessica a sweet girl
you partied with, too?
Jessica was a big girl.
You know, I'm gonna find Faith.
And I'm going to bring down
everybody involved.
I'm tired of this interrogation.
Let's play something a little more fun.
I haven't interrogated you yet.
You know what? Thanks for the offer.
It's just not my style.
What happened?