catch him!
catch him, my soldiers
we just want to catch the sergeant fiance, hurry up! catch him!
welcome, cavalvy guardsmen
I won't complain anything, they were all drunk
he treated my daughter cruelly, he must marry her, or..
I won't marry her, that's impossible!
then, the only thing you have to do is to kill yourself
or we will kill you
I won't kill myself
I did nothing!
too much or not enough?
I knew all the weapons very well in Paris
look at what we are !
in the bright sunshine at noon, I gave a lesson to the
bedlamites and the cavalvy guardmen. first,
try to make them calm down, because calmness can
recover everything
take a deep breath
a deep breath
then relax
and then, fall back time and time again
anger weakens you
hate blinds you, and
you feel impatient? but that's wrong
no insight, no sense of distance
sometimes it is close, sometimes it is far
and you grace, ugly, even frightfulness.....