I saw the happiness, dream, lily
the nobility and ..
yes, lots of the nobility will attend your wedding
but I won't marry who is a royal lineage! yes, I won't.
a queen, or a princess?
a princess
it is a confessionary
tell me what happens afterwards, Adeline
I am confused, but after I join the army, the princess must follow me
he's here!
he's here!
he's here!
catch him! catch him!
finally, I will pay for you
you can get your food two shares per three weeks
and on Christmas Day, Passover and St.Louis
you will get more holidays
and a suit of smmer wear, also six pieces of handkerchiefs, so that's all
there are only twenty seconds left, only twenty seconds
can I read book on my bed at night?
You can read every night if you want
catch him!!
5... the last position
I will sign upon it
this time I have enough of it , sign on it
oh, my son-in-law
well, but they are about to come up
son of a bitch!
dare you asperse...
dare you asperse the king and his soldiers?
no, but my daughter,
if he marry her after war, it will be too late
if she won't get married, I
don't worry, you are the best one