l think this is shit
Carl, what are you doing ,
calm down
dont lie, bull shit
no body is corrupting us exceptyou,
you want to make us crazy
here come again
if he want to catch us,
why dontyou give us the direction
deand is infront of us,
from now we must help each other
sleep togather,
if not we will in trouble
can you come out
are you kidding, what happen
is there a storm
l hate this
but this is not safe
but il am really hate them
oh, l know what do you want
Lora, are you ok
l thinking of ny husband,
l have nothing now
do you ok
if now is the time l go to heaven
with my family l can accept it
you must trust me, we will defeat it
we must stay togather,
and find that baby
l am sorry, l going Lora
what are you doing