Now, Dory,
l want you to tell me--
Do you see anything?
l see a...l see a light.
-A light?
-Yeah. Over there.
-Hey, conscience, am l dead?
-No. l see it, too.
[Dramatic music playing]
What is it?
lt's so pretty.
l'm feeling...happy...
which is a big deal for me.
l want to touch it.
Hey, come back.
Come on back here.
½ l'm gonna get you ½
l'm gonna get you.
½ l'm gonna swim with you ½
l'm gonna get you.
½ l'm gonna be
your best friend ½
Good feeling's gone.
MARLlN: l can't see!
l don't know where l'm going!
DORY: Haah!
DORY: Haah!
-The mask!
-What mask?
OK, l can't see a thing.
-Oh, gee.
-Hey, look, a mask.
Read it!
DORY: l'm sorry,
but if you could just...
bring it a little closer,
l kind of need the light.
bring it a little closer,
l kind of need the light.
That's great.
Keep it right there.
-Just read it!
-OK, OK.
Mr. Bossy. Uh, ''P.''
OK. ''P. Sher...''
''Sher--P. Sher--''
P. Shirley? P.--''
Oh. The first line's
''P. Sherman.''
''P. Sherman''
doesn't make any sense!
DORY: OK. Second line. ''42.''
MARLlN: Don't eat me.
Don't eat me. Aah!
DORY: Light, please!
[Muffled screaming]
DORY: ''Walla--walla--''
MARLlN: Waah! Waah! Waah!
DORY: The second line's
''42 Wallaby Way.''
MARLlN: That's great.
Speed read. Take a guess.
No pressure. No problem.
There's a lot of pressure.
Pressure! Take a guess
now with pressure!