SubFix by divx.NeKryXe.com
- 30 seconds. How far?
- 120, 121, 122.
- Hustle. You're only halfway.
- 10 floors. 252 steps in total.
- Including landings?
- Including landings.
- 252. No sweat. I'm there.
- Good. One minute ten.
You OK?
- Yeah...
Keep going.
- The 10th floor is secured
without lock or handle from the stairs.
Apply our acid to the door.
It'll melt through the cover
and the door hasp
in about 90 seconds.
What's your overall time limit?
Seven minutes.
- How can you be sure?
- We stake out
each guard multiple times,
and when fat boy here
leaves his post
with the newspaper,
he's gone for an average
of 12 minutes, never under seven.
- Reads while he craps?
- Don't you?
- It's through.
- Great. Run. 11 laps gets you
to the front door.
- Hamish Jewellers,
office number 1044.
Got to pick a Hodge deadbolt.
30 seconds.
- Shh!
Yes! Go, get in there!