So, where do you want the tour?
Patrice National
Investments, 22nd floor.
I suggest you take a look
at the stairwell, hallway and lobby,
and obviously,
anything on the inside.
- Any footage of sensors,
alarm panels and security cameras.
- Uh, yeah, I've done this before.
In 1985, Heikrun
Technologies of Germany
issued $44 million
in capital bonds...
That's non-registered
bearer bonds... good as cash.
In two weeks,
395 of those honeys
are going to be kept here
en route
to their New York custodian.
And we're going to steal them.
- What's the denomination?
- 50 grand a bond.
- That's $20 million.
- Roughly.
I could have hired
any number of punters
to help me blast my way
in there, but there's a catch:
I need this job executed
with a perfect... finesse.
- Damn it!
- Oh, and you'd be amazed
how little finesse there is
for hire in this business.
The bottom line is,
you have finesse... you proved
that with the Hamish job.
So you get the challenge.
You have to get in and out
of there without a trace.
They can't know
they've been jacked.
- Why? You said those bonds
are as good as cash.
- Those bonds may be unregistered,
but they are numbered.