Freddy Vs. Jason

What the hell are you doing?
Help us! Help us!
Oh, my God!
Over here!
Please help us!
Help us!
You kids need
some assistance?

What the fuck
do you think?!

We need to lock this down now.
Keep it contained, you hear me?
Killed in bed.
It's even the same damn house.
1428 Elm.
It's gotta be him, right?
It's gotta be
Freddy Krueger.

Hey! Don't even say...
that son of a bitch's
name out loud.

Let's just keep it together.
We've been through too much
to let this thing spread now.

Take all the kids
down to the station.

Keep them separate.
Do it now.

Yes, sir.
We'll be in touch.
Thank you.
Let's go home.

She doesn't know anything.
None of them do.
I'm pretty sure we're good.
Pretty sure?
You better make damn sure...

none of those kids
knows anything...

or I'll send your ass up
to Westin Hills with them.

Knows what?
What do you mean?

Good work there tonight, Stubbs.
Right place, right time.
But we'll take it
from here, all right?

Your father's on his way.
Do they know who did this?
No, not yet.
But I thought I heard...
one of the officers
mention a name.

You know, to tell
you the truth, Lori...
