Freddy Vs. Jason

I don't want to
go to sleep, Dad.

I just want to see my friends.
I don't think it's a good idea
for you to go to school today.

You've just been through
a very traumatic experience.

Dad, please...
I just need to get
out of the house, OK?

I'll be fine.
I promise.

Well, at least drink your juice.
Will Rollins
and the Davis boy...

escaped from Westin Hills
last night.

Oh, Jesus.
It's all coming apart again.
Don't worry.
We'll find them.

Keep this thing contained.
Oh, my God! God, you guys,
I'm so glad you're here.

Blake's dead, too.
Yeah, he--
He was stabbed
to death late last night.

Same with his dad.
Shit, shit!
This is bullshit!

The police are blaming
everything on Blake...

Iike its some kind
of Columbine thing or something.

They're saying he went crazy.
Killed Trey, killed his dad,
and then took his own life?

This is so fucking messed up.
This is messed up.
Excuse me. Sorry.
What is it, Linderman?
Um, well, I heard
what happened,

and I just wanted to
express how, um...

well, to tell you
how sorry I was.

Thank you.
That's sweet.

Right. Actually if you need
anybody to talk to or maybe--

Whoa, Linderman,
let me give you a tip.

Place your hormones
back in the box...

and quit while
you're ahead, OK?

We don't have time
for Date-a-Dork right now.

Right. Sorry.
I swear, every day
it's the same thing.
