Freddy Vs. Jason

My brother said it's our fear
that gives him his power.

Yeah, well,
you sure as hell...

spread enough fear
today at school.

Holy shit.
You're right.
They wanted to forget Freddy so
they wouldn't fear him.

What if I screwed up
the town's plan?

Fuck! This fucker's gonna spread
like the plague, man!

Kids are gonna start
falling asleep, it's gonna--

Let's leave, man.
Let's leave right now.

No, I can't leave.
Why not?
I gotta go talk to Lori.
I gotta see if she's OK.

Well, is she worth dying for?
Because if you fall asleep,
you ain't waking up.

If that's the case,
how come you're not dead?

Or any of the freaks at Westin?
When's the last time
you even had a nightmare?

I don't know.
I can't remember
my dreams anymore.

Look, just give me
one night, OK?

Just let me find Lori,
and then we're out of here.

I swear.
All right.
If your ass isn't back here by
dawn, I'm gone.

We clear on that?
This baby's my brother's
pride and joy, so be careful.

Oh, shit.
Shack, I don't drink.
