Freddy Vs. Jason

Hi, Lori. Didn't think
I'd see you here.

Can I get you
something to drink?

Smooth opening, but, you know,
we're already taken care of.

What happened
to your clothes?

Oh, this.
I was playing
a drinking game...

with some
of the lower primates...

and I guess I'm penalized
for my ability...

to read above
a fourth-grade level.

Linderman, you know,
I always pictured you...

as a straight up bedwetter.
You know what, Kia?
I used to think you hated me...
because you thought
I wasn't good enough for Lori...

but that's not it.
You tear me down
to make yourself feel better...

because you really
hate yourself...

which is kind of pathetic
when you actually...

stop and think about it,
assuming, of course...

you can think
with all that makeup...

weighing down your head.
The cops said Blake
committed suicide.

it was grief over Trey.

No, man, that's bullshit.
I heard some guy Krueger
killed them both.

Said his name to my parents,
they almost shit themselves.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, man,
and I heard...

that Freddy freak,
he used to live here.

Fucking gutted Trey like
a Goddamn turkey, man.

Like I heard his intestines and
shit was on the floor--

Oh, shit. I'm sorry.
Oh, my God.
Look who's here.
Look who's here!

What are you looking at?
Come on, come on, let's dance.
Come on, Linderman, let's go.
Where have you been, Will?
Didn't you get my letters?
What letters?
They must've never
even mailed them.

The...doctors at Westin Hills.
I've been in
a psychiatric hospital.

Mark was with me there.
Some other kids, too.
I don't understand.
