Freddy Vs. Jason

Look, call me later, OK?

Just to check in.
Bye, Will.
Be careful.
Will, I'm gonna go inside now.
I think that's the last thing
you should do right now.

Oh, Will, please.
After everything
that's happened...

I just want to go to--
There's more
to it than that.

Look, I tried to tell
you this earlier.

The reason
I was sent to Westin...

is because I saw
your dad kill your mom.

Will, my mom died
in a car accident.

No, that's what he
wanted you to believe...

but I was there, Lori.
I was sneaking up to your room,
like I used to do.

Only you weren't there.
I saw him kill her.
Get out of the van.
Get out of the van!
Where were you?

What are you doing?
I've been looking
all over for you!

Get away from her!
You're in a helluva
lot of trouble, you know that?

Like I give
a shit anymore.

Get in the house!
You! I'm taking you
back to Westin.

No! No way!
You can't trust him, Lori.

Whatever you do,
don't go home with him!

No, listen to me!
He was the one
who had me committed!

You didn't understand.
You still don't.
You were confused!

Stop it!
Both of you, stop it!
Damn it, Will!
I am not gonna let you...

endanger my daughter again!
Not after everything
that's happened!

Stop it! Stop it! Fuck!
Did Mom die
in a car accident?

Yes. Of course she did.
