Freddy Vs. Jason

all right, that's who
we should be afraid of.

Tell me who
the fuck that was.

His name was Jason Voorhees.
How'd you know
we were here?

Nothing personal,
but the Scooby van out back...

wasn't exactly subtle.
And never keep
your keys in the door.

Great, so now we're
completely fucked.

No, you're not.
I'm here to help you.
Now, this Jason Voorhees
supposedly drowned...

at Camp Crystal Lake
back in 1957...

when he was
eleven years old.

The counselors weren't
watching him...

then they made the mistake
of killing his mother.

The legend has it...
that Jason kept returning
from his grave...

to punish whoever
returned to the camp.

I think we're dealing
with a copycat here.

No. No. No, no, no.
He's not a copycat.
I've seen what he can do.
He's the real Jason.

That's impossible, Linderman.
Jason is dead.

You'd better start thinking
outside your little box, dude...

'cause somebody's
definitely breaking...

the fucking reality rules, OK?
It makes sense in a way.
I mean, what if Freddy
brought Jason back...

because he was too weak
to go after us on his own...

so he used Jason.
I mean, he knew that
we'd think it was him...

that we'd spread
the fear again.

And now that it's working...
it's like he can't
shut Jason back down.

Wait a minute.
Freddy died by fire,
Jason by water.

How can we use that?
I think we should
concentrate on Jason first.

But I thought we decided...
that Freddy was the one
pulling the strings.

Shouldn't we go
after him first?

I don't know, maybe
what we need to do is...

to offer Freddy
a sacrifice.

Yeah, yeah, totally.
Like a virgin, right?
Someone pure.

Dude, don't look at me.
Even if you pay for it,
it still counts.

Oh, come on.
Look, we all know who
the real virgin is here.

-Oh, come on, Lori.
