Honey, it's your mother.
I'm in the shower.
Oh, he's in the shower.
No, no, no, nothing's wrong.
The hospital?
Where do you get these ideas,
Mrs. Torcelli?
Yes, I read the papers.
No, that only happens to people
who go jogging alone at night.
Stephen never goes
jogging alone at night.
Murder capital of the world?
New York is much safer now.
I've heard of them.
Mrs. Torcelli,
I wouldn't know where
to find a crack house
if I wanted to.
Yeah, business is going
real well.
Yeah, really well.
We've been making a killing.
Mrs. Torcelli,
yeah, I got another call
coming through.
It's a customer.
Yeah, day and night.
You know, catering business,
All right.
Good-bye, Mrs. Torcelli.
I feel like an idiot
every time I talk to her.
What's so idiotic
about the idea
of us running
a catering company?
Stephen, we can't cook.
Are we ever going
to tell your parents
what we do
for a living?
Danny, I don't think
they could handle it.
Oh, they couldn't handle it
or you couldn't handle
them knowing?
Hey, fellas.
Busy night.
Been a lot of that?
Is he in back?
He's waiting for you.
I'll see youse later.
Hey, Stephen.
Hey, Danny.