Yes, sweetie?
How come Uncle Danny
and Uncle Stephen live together?
Well, because
they love each other
like Mommy and Daddy love
each other.
Which one's the mommy,
and which one's the daddy?
I'll have to get back to you
on that one, honey.
That's not a Sicilian name.
Papa, this is one of the reasons
I didn't want to tell you.
He isn't Sicilian.
He isn't Italian.
He's not even Catholic.
He's an Episcopalian,
and he comes from Wisconsin.
Not Sicilian?
You never even
mentioned him.
We both decided
not to tell our parents
until we were engaged.
Not Italian?
What does he do,
this Damon?
He's an editor
at Random House.
What's Episcopalian?
Protestant, Stella.
He's not Catholic?
Jenny, engaged?
And what does his family do?
They're good people.
From the heartland.
The planning stage
is finally over.
The great day
is finally upon us.
It is time to take action.
Sons and daughters
of the colonists
must rise up, rise up!
Sit down, Matt.
The second
American revolution
will start in the city
of bankers
and lawyers and fleshpots
and sex clubs.
They don't stand a chance!
Oh, hi, Mom.
I said, "Hi, Mom. "
You have to speak louder,;
it's very noisy here.
What is all that noise?
That's why I'm calling.
Your father and I have decided
to surprise you.
Well, let me
put it this way:
we're cruising comfortably
at-what is it, Jack?
29,000 feet.
Mom, are you on a plane?
Guess where
we're headed?