All this
from catering?
The funny thing is,
I didn't know Stephen knew
how to cook.
Look at these ceilings.
It's going to be hard to go back
to our place, Jack, after this.
It'll seem so small.
Look at these floors.
Oh, and those windows!
How do you keep the place warm
in the winter?
Well, I guess
when you're young-
Oh, look at you!
Oh, what a sweetheart.
Oh, do they really
make you run
up and and down
all these stairs?
No wonder
you're so skinny.
My god!
How many soaps and lotions
do you need
to wash yourself
every day?
Well, you know,
there's different products
for day and evening.
You know, dry weather,
rainy weather.
Sometimes your hair
just gets oily
for no reason at all, and-
You mean to tell me
your hair needs both
rosemary mint equalizing
conditioning rinse
and freeze and shine
super spray?
And what is this word,
How do you keep track
of all of this?
Oh, it's alphabetized.
Well, so it is.
Jack, did you hear?
It's alphabetized.
I heard.
Please get up.
Oh, yes.
I haven't seen
any closets.
My god!
You have more clothes
than I do,
and I'm a woman.
Men can have a lot
of clothes too, Mom.
So I see.
And, you know,
Stephen's an autumn,
and I'm a spring, so we really
can't share anything.