Friends and Family

You know, it's not
the cooking part

that bothers me.
It's making believe we're gay.
Why gay?
Come on, a catering company
in Manhattan

run by two gay guys?
Stephen and Danny run
the family.
We're not gay.
but we're soldiers.
Here, we're talking
about pastry chefs.

I can't do gay.
I think I could pull it off.
How am I supposed to do gay?
Act like Stephen and Danny.
They act like the rest of us.
Well, they dress nicer.
They dance
a little different too.

They're cuter.
I don't want
to take any chances.
Jenny's mad enough
at us already.

We're not going to take
any chances.

We need an expert.
I think I know someone.
For those of you
who haven't yet been acquainted,

this is Mr. Grayson.
Good friend
of Stephen and Danny's.

Some of youse may have
seen him around the club.

Well, I think I've met
some of you there.

Well, Ray I remember,
of course.

And, let's see.
You were there.
And you were there.
And you were there too.
Judy Garland.
The Wizard of Oz.
We've got a lot
of work to do.

What is he doing here?
You said you'd get
a professional chef.

Vito's a chef.
Did it ever occur to you
to stop being
my father's slave

and actually think
for a minute?
To my father,
everything you touch
turns to gold.
