@ Do mi mi. @
@ Mi so so. @
@ Re fa fa. @
@ La ti ti. @
@ Do mi mi. @
@ Mi so so. @
@ Re fa fa. @ @
So, anyway, a friend of mine
invited me to one
of her Straight Women Loving
Other Straight Women meetings.
Straight Women Loving
Other Straight Women.
What the hell is that?
Like us announcing
we're straight men
that love
other straight men?
But you and Stephen are gay.
I mean, this is straight women
who love other straight women.
At least it gets me out
of the house.
You'll get out tomorrow
for our dinner, right?
Of course.
How are the preparations coming?
@ You can sing
most anything. @
@ Do re mi fa so
la ti do. @
@ So do. @ @
Oh, you won't be imposing.
Of course you'll come.
I don't even have
anything to wear.
Yeah, sure you do, dear.
Remember, you brought that dress
for the victory celebration.
You know, now
that he mentions it,
I do have
a little something.
Oh, good.
And I can introduce you
to Senator Bloomer.
Senator Bloomer?
From New York.
A United States
Tell me, is he
an important senator?
And he's coming
to your dinner?
He's a friend
of my father's.
What does your father do again?
He's in catering
He's a businessman.
He's in the catering
It's his company
that's catering
the dinner.
Oh, there's one thing.
This employee
of my father's
whose parents are going
to be there
told them that it's
actually his company,
so if you meet them,
don't let on, okay?