See y'all later.
Margarita Madness was the bomb. I made
a thousand bucks. Set an all-time record.
Plus, I met a Swedish girl named Inga
and I only spilled her drink three times.
- Another record.
- Well, I'm off to meet my Internet babe.
Once she sees this bronzed
Adonis, she'll know it was worth the wait.
- Whoa, whoa. Got milk?
- My skin is not milky. It is alabaster. Thank you.
Plus, I have three hours
of prime tanning time before our date.
- Hey, I've been lookin' for you.
- Well, you're in luck. Here I am.
You invited my girlfriend last night
to your little margarita party...
and your bouncer
didn't let me in.
And I don't take
rejection too well.
You know, there's a really
good explanation for that.
- What is it?
- Tell him.
Officer, thank God.
I swear, I was being chased by a giant steroid.
He was mean looking and big and-and mean.
How much do I owe?
Bronze me.
Well, I better get going.
I'm meeting Justin in an hour at the beach.
Kelly, I don't mean to burst your bubble,
but I don't know about Justin.
- Why are we friends with her?
- I'm just trying to protect Kelly's feelings.
The guy's a party animal. How do you know
he's not dating a different girl every night?
I don't. I'm just willing
to take that chance.
- You don't have anything in common.
- That's what's cool about it.
I appreciate your concern, but you don't
know what it's like to connect with someone.