Ghosts of the Abyss

and what they have to accomplish
at the bottom of the ocean.

They take their work
extremely seriously.

Everything is checked
and rechecked,

just like a space mission.
My name is Lewis Abernathy.
I'm an underwater explorer.
I got them all.
I have been trying to thumb
a ride down to "Titanic"

for probably 10 years now.
What do you got?
We got bots, slimy bots, and
"A" deck, "B" deck, "C" deck.

Huge rusticles,
like this big around.

My name is Lori Johnston.
My position was
as a microbiologist,

looking at the rusticles.
The idea that she spiraled down,
spitting objects.

My name is Charles Pellegrino.
I was one of the historians and
biologists on the expedition.

We tend to think of it
in 21st-century eyes.

I'm Don Lynch,
and I studied the "Titanic"

based upon the testimony and
accounts of passengers and crew.

The people who were there
and witnessed it.

My name is Ken Marschall.
I've been studying the "Titanic"
for over three decades now.

I checked it out.
The Straus suite.

Through those years and study,
I've sort of become
a visual historian

about the ship and her structure
and appearance.

It was an amazing expedition
in terms of all of
the state-of-the-art technology

and engineering we were using,
in terms of the camera system.

The R.O.V.S were amazing.
On the cutting edge
of technology.

Just try to keep the light in
right where I've gone in.
