Ghosts of the Abyss

He's giving us the tour.
"Follow me," he says.
It's like a fantasy
in here, isn't it?

The craftsmanship.
The delicate beauty.

That human hands created
these windows,

that human eyes looked
at these windows.

And then you realize
that you're 12, 500 feet
beneath the sea.

Oh, look at that woodwork.
That's all wood, Genya.
That's all carved wood.

But these things created by man,
in this dark abyss,
where they just shouldn't be.

They're not supposed to be here.
Who would've thought
that would still be there?

It's the dream come true for me.
What's significant
about the reception room

is that this is where
Elizabeth Lines

overheard a conversation
between Captain Smith
and Bruce Ismay,

the owner of the "Titanic. "
And she heard Ismay
telling Smith

to have the "Titanic" arrive
in New York a day early.

I think we're going to beat
"Olympic's" time

and arrive in New York
Tuesday night.

We're holding
at the first-class entrance,

starboard side.
Isn't that beautiful?

It looks like it's just been
made more beautiful by time.

"Titanic's" main
first-class entrance

was on "D" deck.
And she had
two large gangway doors
