(door opens, steps)
(woman screaming in pain)
There you are.
Fetch some water.
Hail Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death.
Tanneke: Six babies. Why does
she have to make such a racket?
Woman: Just get on with the work.
- Push!
- (screaming)
Woman: I need more rags, girl.
Woman: More rags.
Woman: Push, push!
Woman: Good, that's good!
Mistress: Oh, Jan,
isn't he just like you?
Woman: Johannes, that's it.
Look at him,
he's your little brother.
(blessing in Latin)
(baby crying)
Take this to the house of your master's
patron, Pieter van Ruijven.
Man: To the left.
Man: Open up,
there's a lady coming in.