There's something wrong with her.
I don't just mean that she's autistic.
Please open the door!
Turn the music down!
Somebody'll call the damn cops!
There's something about her
that's wrong.
And Buddy sensed it.
Dogs know. Oh, you bet.
Did you hear that?
Music. Someone has it
really cranked out there.
What the hell ?
It's an earthquake!
It's not coming from the ground.
Come on! Run! Run!
Come on! Come on!
Please open the door!
Now, Annie!
Come on, hurry! Hurry!
What's happening?
I don't know!
Annie, let us in! Annie!
Annie, please, open the door!
IKill it, Sissy!
Just what the hell are you doing?
What the hell ?
Sister, look at this.
Sister, I got baby.
Yes, I know.
...what have you done?
That concludes this year's course in
the psychology of the unseen world.
I'd like to leave you
with three thoughts if I may.
First, the investigation of psychic
phenomena is an honorable pursuit...
...in spite of
its tattered reputation.
The second is that reality
is not always quantifiable.
Our inability to count, weigh, sort
or photograph some things...
...does not mean
those things are nonexistent.
Third and most important...
...next week's exam will not
be graded on the curve.