Sukeena, wlno cane fron Africa,
saw her through tlne difficult labor.
Ellen never refers
to Sulkeena as lner servant.
First, slne calls lner "my friend. "
And later, "my sister. "
Wlnen slne gave birth to a dauglnter
witln a withered arn...
...slne blaned lner siclkness
and Joln's sexual appetites.
Although she wrote,
"In my mind, they are one."
To which she added, "Damn all men."
Their dauglnter was born
in April of 191 1.
And April was wlnat they called her.
After her dauglnter's birth,
Ellen becane convinced...
... that her fever, which recurred
periodically, would kill her young.
That nade her easy gane
for Madane Stravinski.
If you have anything to say to us...
...you may use my body to speak.
Give us a sign.
Show us a sign.
Not even Sukeena could convince her
tlnat slne was a fraud.
Beloved spirits, we invite you
to commune with us.
Show us a sign.
Fraud or not, Madane Stravinski...
...lknown to police in San Francisco
and Los Angeles as Cora Frye...
...changed Ellen Rinbauer's life
one night in August of 1914.
You must build.
What did she tell her?
She said she wouldn't die
until the house was finished.
And Madame S. told her it isn't
finished until you say it's finished.
Until you say.
Ellen took it seriously.
Probably she was right to.
She never had another attack
of her African fever.
Probably psychosomatic.
Probably PMS, right, Em?
I wouldn't be surprised.
A new wing started going up
the next week.
What did her husband say?
She gave him a son in 1909, a daughter
in 1 91 1 . The son was fine and well.
It was the son John Rimbauer cared
about. Ellen could do as she liked.
Would you agree?
Yes. Besides...
...lne had affairs of his own
to tend to.
Ellen made additions to the house
until her disappearance in 1 950.
Over 40 years
of well financed eccentricity.
She hired contractors and architects
to build unconventional stuff.
Such as?